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How do I save a search?

Learn how to save searched that you perform regularly

Updated over 10 months ago

There may be some searches that you perform regularly, and so to save time you can save these to avoid having to build the search again next time. You can also be alerted via email if new assets match one of your saved searches.

How to save a search

First, build your search, either by entering a search term and then adding filters, or just by using the filters pane to refine your results.

Once happy with the search, click "Save this search" just under the search bar.

A popup window will show you the details of the search you are saving, and allow you it give it a name for easy reference in the future.

Here you can also choose to receive email alerts when new assets match the search criteria. Tick the box to receive these alerts, then press Save

How to receive email alerts for saved searches

You can receive email alerts if new assets are added to your Dash that match your existing saved searches.

You may have already opted in to receive alerts when creating the saved search (see above), but if not, you can do so as follows:

1. From the Home or "All assets" screen, click your profile icon

2. Select "Your saved searches"

3. From the list of your saved searches, choose the edit button next to the search you would like to receive alerts for.

4. Tick the "Email me when new uploads match this search" checkbox.

5. Click "Save changes".

πŸ’β€β™‚οΈ Saved search email alerts only work for newly uploaded assets.

Stop receiving email alerts

To unsubscribe from email notifications for a saved search, simply repeat the above steps, but untick the alerts box in the chosen saved search.

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