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How to bulk download assets

Learn about options when downloading multiple images

Updated over 10 months ago

You can download multiple assets from Dash in one go.

To download multiple images

  1. Go to the "All assets" page

  2. Select the assets you want to download

  3. Click the Download button

  4. Choose either "Original" (to download all the assets in their original dimensions) or choose from a preset size

  5. Dash will then add the selected assets into a zip file (applying the chosen preset in the process), and your browser will download the zip file according to your browser's download settings.

Cropping multiple images when downloading

If you choose a crop preset size when downloading multiple images, Dash needs to know where to apply the crop for each image. Once you have chosen the crop preset size, you'll then be shown each image and you will need to choose where to apply the crop.

You can save time by setting the crop areas for images in advance. Read our article on crop areas to learn how. When bulk downloading, Dash won't prompt you to set the crop for any assets you've already set the crop area for.

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